Current Job Openings

Study Nurse

Study Nurse for our project.

Salary range per month: Sh 50,000 - Sh 60,000

Project Co-ordinator

UNIM Research and Training Center

Lumumba Sub County Hospital Compound

P.O. Box 1764-40100

Kisumu, Kenya

Tel: 057 2024065

Mobile: +254 733 912605


The Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) is a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Kisumu

dedicated to improving reproductive health of men and women. NRHS has several research projects related

to HIV prevention and treatment as well as reproductive health.

NRHS is undertaking a research study to evaluate periodic presumptive treatment versus Doxycycline post-

exposure prophylaxis for STI control among MSM in Kenya. The specific study activities include study

recruitment, consenting, administering personal surveys, bio-specimen collection for STI, completion of

focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with study participants and stakeholders. NRHS seeks highly

qualified candidates for the following positions based in Kisumu:

JOB TITLE: Research Clinician


REPORTING TO: Project Coordinator

Duties & Responsibilities:

• Collaborate with investigators, other clinicians, and health facility staff to achieve study goals.

• Screening participants for research eligibility, explaining research protocol, and administering consent

to eligible clients.

• Screening and treatment of STIs, HIV and offering other reproductive health services as necessary.

• Collecting appropriate medical history and conducting physical examinations for study participants.

• Collecting biological specimen, including but not limited to blood, urine, and swabs.

• Ensuring proper maintenance of participants’ records and accurate entry of data.

• Conduct recorded Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and qualitative interviews with study participants and


• Preparation of Study Operation Procedures and other required study documentation.

• Input data collected into an electronic database.

• Maintain operations by following policies and procedures; and reporting needed changes.

• Prepare and submit reports as needed.

Qualifications and competencies

• Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or equivalent

• Registered by the Clinical Officers Council and licensed to practice

• 1 year experience working in a busy research setup

• Experience working with key population

• Prior GCP and Human subjects training is desirable